Cutting Edge Women Use Cutting Edge Instruments

23 and Me

Geofrey Wyatt, President, Wyatt Technology Corp. - October 18, 2016

If you were watching the Today Show on Monday, October 17, 2016 you would have seen at least one segment not related to politics. In fact, “Cutting Edge Women,” is a regular part of the Today Show. As you might guess, it’s about influential women and this episode featured Anne Wojcicki, the founder and CEO of 23andMe, a genetic testing company in the Bay Area of California.

Some of us at Wyatt Technology are quite familiar with 23andMe, having purchased their test kit to see what our DNA tells us about ourselves. In my case, for example, I learned the following:

People with your genetic result tend to have a similar Body Mass Index on diets with greater or less than 22 grams of saturated fat per day, as long as they consume the same number of total calories. Or, I learned that people who are genetically similar to me tend to consume 18 mg less caffeine per day than average.

23andMe is also of greater interest to Wyatt Technology because Anne Wojciki’s company is a customer of our technology. They own a miniDAWN® and an Optilab® which are used for testing a variety of macromolecules they are investigating. The episode has been posted by the Today Show on its YouTube site, and can be seen in its entirety here:

If you want to get to the part that gave us all a kick here in Santa Barbara, tune in at about 2 minutes and 10 seconds. You’ll see Anne walking a hallway with one of her scientists, and there in the background is a Wyatt Technology box. But it gets even more breathtaking at about the 2 minute 19 second spot when the miniDAWN makes its cameo.

Without an eagle-eyed customer of ours, we never would have been aware of this brief video, but we’re thrilled to see our products at the forefront of the healthcare technology industry.